Mmpi-2-rf scales
Mmpi-2-rf scales

mmpi-2-rf scales

(Undergraduate Thesis), Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya, Jakarta. Adaptasi MMPI-2 untuk aplikasi Indonesia: Analisis psikometrik personality psychopathology five scales (Adaptation of MMPI-2 for Indonesian: Psychometric analysis personality psychopathology five scales). The ITC guidelines for translating and adapting tests (2nd ed.).

mmpi-2-rf scales

Empirical correlates and expanded interpretation of the MMPI-2-RF restructured clinical scale 3 (Cynicism). Introduction to research methods in psychology (3rd ed.). Journal of Personality Assessment, 90(5), 443–455. The factor structure of the MMPI-2 restructured clinical (RC) scales. New York: McGraw-Hill International Edition. Adaptasi MMPI-2 untuk aplikasi Indonesia: Analisis psikometrik pada subskala Anxiety dan Depression dalam Content Scales (Adaptation of MMPI-2 for Indonesian: Psychometric analysis on Anxiety and Depression subscales of Content Scales). Amsterdam: Paper presented in the 8th Conference of International Test Commission. The Indonesian version of MMPI-2-RF: A psychometric evaluation (I). Beijing: Paper presented on the XXVIII International Congress of Psychology. Adaptation and validation of the Indonesian version of MMPI-2: A preliminary report. Discovering statistics using SPSS (3rd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill International Edition.įields, A. Psychological testing and assessment: An introduction to tests and measurement (9th ed.). Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2-Restructured Form® (MMPI-2-RF®). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.īen-Porath, Y.

#Mmpi 2 rf scales manual#

MMPI-2RF: Manual for administration, scoring and interpretation. (Undergraduate Thesis), Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya, Jakarta.īen-Porath, Y.

mmpi-2-rf scales

Adaptasi MMPI-2 untuk Aplikasi Indonesia: Analisis Psikometrik pada Subskala Low Self Esteem, Social Discomfort, dan Work Interference dalam Content Scales (Adaptation of MMPI-2 for Indonesian: Psychometric analysis on Low Self Esteem, Social Discomfort). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Association.Īyuningtyas, A. American Psychiatric Association: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual on Mental Disorder (Fifth ed.). Jakarta: Departemen Ilmu Kedokteran Jiwa dan Perilaku Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya.ĪPA. Psikopatologi dasar di dalam memahami tanda dan gejala dari suatu gangguan jiwa (Basic psychopathology in understanding sign and symptoms of mental disorders). Through these findings, MMPI-2-RF users in Indonesia are expected to be more cautious when interpreting the Restructured Clinical Scales sub-scales score.Īgus, D. The number of the factors, as well as the structure, was different from the US version of MMPI-2-RF Restructured Clinical Scales. Results showed that Restructured Clinical Scales consisted of one factor solution, namely psychological disorder. The obtained data was analyzed using EFA through Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The sample of this research involved 279 participants (male = 26.5% female = 73.5%) with an average of 21.63 years old. This research aimed to analyze the construct validity of the RC Scales using Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) technique. This scale replaces the Clinical Scales from the previous version of MMPI. The Restructured Clinical (RC) Scales, which contains nine sub-scales, is the primary clinical scale in MMPI-2-RF. This measure has been revised several times with MMPI-2-RF (Restructured Form) being the latest version. The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) is the world’s most frequently used scale, both in clinical assessment and psychiatric setting.

Mmpi-2-rf scales